Difference between a Dental Implant Specialist and a Dentist

Good dental health is essential for your body. You should get a dental checkup done after every six months to ensure you have zero complications. But you should know that there is a difference between an implant specialist and a dentist. A dentist can resolve various dental issues, but an implantologist specialises in the dental implant. You should research before visiting a dental implant specialist in Southall. 

Dental Implant

What makes an Implantologist differ from a general Dentist?

Here is the list of reasons why an implantologist is different from a general dentist:

  • Requirements: If you want to undergo an implant surgery, you should visit a reliable and renowned implantologist specialist who will ensure that your artificial implants act like real ones and work properly. If you have any teeth-related problems like tooth decay, cavities, or any other issue, then you might consult dentists in Southall.
  • Qualification: If you are visiting an implantologist, you must check if they are certified by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID). A dental professional needs to practise for seven years to, become an implantologist. On the other hand, a general dentist takes care of the maintenance part of the teeth. They should have completed four years of study and earned one of these two degrees- Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DDM). The qualification is a major reason why a general dentist cannot perform dental implant surgery.
  • Procedures: A dental implant specialist may also perform the services of a general dentist, like polishing, cleaning, etc. The implants are a foundation for the mounting of replaced teeth. The metal is attached to the jawbone and is secured by a tissue. Then, a crown is placed on top to support the replaced teeth. But, a dentist needs to have additional training so that they can perform various other functions. A general dentist knows how to cure the damage to the teeth and help an individual suffering from tooth decay.
This blog might help you to know the difference between an implant specialist and a general dentist. So, you must know your doctors better for the dental implant surgery to take place successfully in Southall. If you want to avail of any service, you can count on Sterling Private Clinic in Southall, they can help you with all kinds of surgery. You can also visit their website or contact them for further details.


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